Graphic Design & Illustration

logo design oaklandlogosI can help fix or modify your current logo, or make you a brand new one! print design seattleprint
designNeed a brochure, postcard, or book designed? I’m your guy!
digital graphic design san francisco photoshopdigital
graphicsLet me Photoshop that for you! Website banners, ads, any digital asset you can imagine
custom illustration bay areaillustrationCustom portraits, medical illustrations, fantasy drawings, and infographics

Custom design work is done at my standard hourly rate ($200), and most single-page projects can have a rough draft in as little as 1-3 hours! I am proficient with the entire Adobe Creative Suite (InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator), so if you can imagine it, we can make it happen. My illustrations have appeared in award winning medical, children’s, and nonfiction books. Click above for work samples within each category, and let’s discuss your needs on a free getting to know you call so I can give you a more accurate quote.